Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Total Lunar Eclipse Tonight! *Spoiler Alert* It's NOT the Gays Fault... this time

Tonight, Wednesday February 20th, there will be a Total Lunar Eclipse over the US. Folks in Israel can see it Thursday morning Feb 21st.

If you live in the EST zone the total eclipse of the Moon begins Wednesday night, February 20th, at 10:01PM and ends at 10:51PM. (For those who want to watch the whole show the partial eclipse will begin at 8:43PM and will end at 12:09AM).

In you live in Israel (Greenwich Mean Time +2, if I'm not mistaken) the total eclipse begins Thursday morning, February 21st, at 5:01AM and ends at 5:51AM. (The partial eclipse begins over Israel at 3:43AM and the eclipse will finish at 7:09AM).

All times are care of NASA Eclipse Home Page.
You should go out and enjoy the light show. BUT! Be warned...

According to Gemara Sukka (29a), "[t]he time of an eclipse is a bad sign for the whole entire world." And specifically, a lunar eclipse is a bad omen for the Jews. Why? Because we follow the lunar calendar, natch.

If you are wondering what could possibly make this awe-inspiring phenomenon occur keep reading. The Gemara (Talmud) explains that there are four reasons for why an eclipse a solar eclipse happens. Reason number three? Gay male sex. Apparently "Adam and Steve" are both a threat to the institution of marriage, and they can move the heavens! Luckily, this is only a lunar eclipse and was likely caused by people cutting down good trees (lunar eclipse reason #4).

Holy readers, do not worry! The Gemara gives you an out. Of course, the eclipse is a bad omen from God, and of course it was quite possibly the fault of the gays people raising forbidden animals in Israel (lunar eclipse reason #3), but as long as you are following God's commandments you are off the hook. (Close one!)

Update: Commenter "p_almonius" correctly pointed out that gay people are the cause of solar eclipses not lunar ones. I regret the error.


Anonymous said...

I think it's solar eclipses.

בשביל ארבעה דברים חמה לוקה על אב בית דין שמת ואינו נספד כהלכה ועל נערה המאורסה שצעקה בעיר ואין מושיע לה ועל משכב זכור ועל שני אחין שנשפך דמן כאחד

Lubab No More said...


You're right. I'll edit the post to clarify that point.

Anonymous said...

Your post is now hopeless. Reserve it for a solar eclipse.

e-kvetcher said...

I thought gay people caused earthquakes!

Lubab No More said...


> I thought gay people caused earthquakes!

Apparently our gay friends can move Heaven AND Earth!

Thanks for the hilarious/sad link.