I just made the blog public again (obviously). But I didn't expect the little bit of a rush that came with it.
As those of you who follow my infrequent posts on Twitter already know I told the wife about the blog. For me it was a little bit of a big deal. Thankfully for our relationship/marriage/journey it wasn't. Just an interesting anecdote from that awful time in our lives.
In any event I'm back. I have some ideas about what I want to do with the blog. I hope you'll be on board.
As for the old LubabNoMore blog... All the old posts are saved (as drafts in Blogger) but not sure what I will do with them just yet.
Should I repost them? Should I delete them? Should I publish just a few select Candy Man divri Torah just to rile people up? Tell me what you think in the comments below!
welcome back
Yes, please make the old posts available! I just found your blog. It looks very interesting.
Welcome back. I also vote for reposint your old posts.
Welcome back. I was very curious to know what happend to you? Looking forward to new posts, more than the old ones.
Welcome back.
Why did this JUST show up on my Google Read when it was written in October?
please repost the old blogs they were great and very informative!
I had turned off my RSS feeder when I shut down the blog. Didn't notice until this past week when I put up another post.
FWIW, all of the old posts are still in internet memory. For example, I have all of them since I subscribed in my feed reader. Not so private.
Glad you're back.
Hey, welcome back!
The internet never forgets. That's fine. If people are that driven to read old posts I'm not going to stop them.
Welcome Back! Many of your old 'fans' are curious as to what has happened in the past 3 years. How (has?) your marriage survived?
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