Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Why Jew Should Marry Jewish [yuk, yuk]

From the "Its-So-Bad-Its-Funny-But-Still-Awful" department:

"Why Jew Should Marry Jewish" [sic]
From the AskMoses YouTube Channel
(AskMoses is the Lubavitch run "Ask a Rabbi" hotline-website)

Run time - 1:17

So why should JEW marry JEWish?!?! Because (get this!) you'll have to navigate around her inability to pronounce "CH". Ha! And you might name your son Ashley instead of Asher. Hoo Boy! Intermarried spouses have no idea what names are gender appropriate!!! HA, HA!

But wait. There's more!!!

Quote from the description on the YouTube page:
He can be a Jew by birth or a Jew by choice. But if you want a Jewish family, he's got to be a he, and he's got to be a Hebrew.
In other words... Don't forget to NOT be gay! (CLOSE CALL!!!)

My favorite part is at 0:45 where the video brings up Rev. Wright! A perfectly natural stopping point for any "rad" video preaching on topic of intermarriage aimed at teens who are probably not yet of the voting age. (Why? You disagree?)

Oh, religious leaders who make ignorant comments and preach a message of "Us vs. Them". Will you ever learn?

We need a President with the courage and integrity to change Washington. If you're sick of the last eight years and want a President with a different agenda please vote for Barack Obama this November.

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Abandoning Eden said...

Isn't Ashley also a guys name anyways? (I know a dude named Ashley). Or is that against the jewish naming code?

Anonymous said...

I love how they photoshopped yarmulkes onto the males at 0:59

Holy Hyrax said...

the best part is :58 where they photoshoped the men in the family pic with kippot.

And OBVIOUSLY, the mother is wearing a wig.

Holy Hyrax said...

oh, i see anon made that comment already

Lubab No More said...


> Isn't Ashley also a guys name anyways? (I know a dude named Ashley). Or is that against the jewish naming code.

I guess there is always an exception. I looked up "Ashley" on a couple of baby name websites before I posted and they both listed Ashley as "girl" and not "boy" or "unisex". I think AskMoses used it because it sounds really goyish.

Baal Devarim said...

"they both listed Ashley as "girl" and not "boy" or "unisex""

Maybe the guy AE knows is British? According to wikipedia, "In the United Kingdom the name is still used for boys".

"I think AskMoses used it because it sounds really goyish."

Or maybe because it appears if you're a Jewish humanist, you're apt to change your own name from Israel to Ashley (the horror!!).

Lubab No More said...

Baal Devarim,

> Maybe the guy AE knows is British? According to wikipedia, "In the United Kingdom the name is still used for boys".

Very interesting.

There's a really fun baby name website at the social security administration (yes, you read that correctly). You can run searches on names and see their popularity over the years. They also have some data on the popularity of names by state, city and even popular twins names.

The Candy Man said...

Oh, religious leaders who make ignorant comments and preach a message of "Us vs. Them". Will you ever learn?

LOL. Funny video, btw, although in my personal experience one's half-soul doesn't have to be Jewish.

We'd do better encouraging our young people to marry *nice* and *kind*, instead of using race as our main criterion.

I think our parents' generation is just LOST.

Anonymous said...

Funny and pathetic, all at once. Religious people seem to be very good at creating this kind of sad propaganda.
Of course, the sadder part is that people fall for it.

Abandoning Eden said...

actually the guy i know named ashley is from south africa originally, so it's probably the same group of people...everyone calls him "ash"