Friday, November 2, 2007

Five somewhat interesting things about me that you will not read in my stupid Frumster profile:

WebGirl tagged me with the question "List five somewhat interesting things about you that I will not read in your stupid Frumster profile." Of course I don't have a Frumster profile... anymore. That was deactivated before I got married. So in short, this is what you won't see on my non-existent Frumster profile.

This is a tricky game. You want to be revealing without giving TMI. Let's take a stab.

1. Alcohol is the only drug I've every tried. No marijuana or cigarettes.

2. I watch NASCAR... and enjoy it! (#24 all the way.)

3. I'm prone to shocking myself when installing light switches. Even when I shut off the power. At some point I turn the juice back on and get zapped. :(

4. I like some scary movies (Exorcist, Psycho, Scream) but I avoid hardcore gory movies like the plague. (SAW, Hostel, even Freddy and Jason.) I won't be caught dead watching those. Dismemberment terrifies me.

5. (I'll wrap up on a happy note.) I love listening to baseball on the radio. You can actually imagine all the plays as they are described (unlike basketball or football). If the commentators are great it's better than TV!

How about you?

Update: Holy Hyrax told me that I have to tag other people so here's my list:

I tag Holy Hyrax (you've brought this upon yourself), Littlefoxling and Miri.
Update #2:

Here are the responses!

Holy Hyrax




Holy Hyrax said...

no no. You have to tag certain people. Thats how these memes work.

Anonymous said...

Lubab No More I wish you luck with your electrical problem.

Lubab No More said...

Yeah, yeah. Alright, since you asked for it:

I tag Holy Hyrax (you've brought this upon yourself), Littlefoxling and Miri.

Nemo said...

"No marijuana or cigarettes."

Explains everything now..

Lubab No More said...



Miri said...

hey, I've been tagged! I've never been tagged for a meme before. I'm so honored.

Anonymous said...

I used to love listening to baseball on the radio. Sometimes I would even watch a game with the tv on mute and the radio on because the commentary was so much better.

Nascar? I never felt the appeal of watching racing (horses, cars, boats).